Monday, February 18, 2013

Starting to grow up...

Growing Up, preliminary sketch for The Great Red Horse, copyright 2013 by Helen Scanlon.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Missing my friend

One of the great things about art is that you can take images from the mind and put them on paper.

I have no photos of UC Ringmaster as a foal, so my drawings of him as a youngster is my imagination hard at work. I have to admit--it is a very emotional process. I have to open my heart and allow the images and feelings to tell my pencil where to go to create the fuzzy foal ears, big, bright eyes and the swift legs of the baby UC Ringmaster. He was the foal that caused hearts to flutter as soon as he entered the world, a future two-time World Champion.

When I draw UC Ringmaster, I look right back at him and I miss him.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

3am note to self:

This sleepy scribble is reminding me to do an illustration of me and UC Ringmaster for the book's 'About the Author' page.

What is it with 3am? I got my idea for my first book this way, too. Hence, the scrap paper and pen by my bed.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thoughts on illustrating

I used to think an old-fashioned, wooden,  super-sharp #2 pencil was the way to go for sketching my preliminary drawings. The disposable plastic mechanical pencils didn't offer a good grip or a steady line, the lead was too loose in the plastic casing and it broke off too quickly.

But, my lovely little wooden pencils needed constant attention and sharpening. High maintenance and all. And, frustrating at times--for sure.

Preliminary drawings need to be darn near perfect before I transfer them to watercolor paper for the illustration phase. I need a GREAT pencil not a Good or Okay one.

Turned off by the substandard quality and control of those plastic disposables, I decide to buy a refillable mechanical pencil and give it a go. At my last shopping trip to my local art supply store, The Lily Pad, I got a sleek Pentel mechanical pencil and some replacement leads. Oh, and a bright shiny new eraser. I figured it was time to try a refillable. They had to be better than the cheapies, right? I can be a bit stubborn--the wooden #2 pencils are AWESOME (except for the maintenance part)--so what's a little sharpening and stern language? I was willing to stick with them forever. They gave me a great line, and--ooops, I'll be right back, I have to sharpen my pencil AGAIN.

But I digress.

Let me get to the point, pun intended---I LOVE THIS PENCIL! The lead is tightly controlled in its casing, the barrel offers a solid grip, and the point is always at ideal sharpness. No more cussing at my sharpener for breaking off a perfectly sharpened point!

It's been a good week for sketching, except I caught a cold last weekend and now I have a sinus condition that doesn't want to budge. Winter dry air isn't helping.

But today will be a good drawing day. Some Advil and hot tea and I am ready to go....

Friday, February 1, 2013

New illustration

Young Ringmaster in a field of dandelions, copyright 2013 by Helen Scanlon.

The Great Red Horse gallops along...

And wow, am I having fun!