Monday, June 15, 2015

More links to purchase The Great Red Horse: A Colt is Born and updates galore!

Hello, kind folks!

The Great Red Horse: A Colt is Born just got its first reader review, and it was 5 big, bright stars!

This is a great story, well written, with fun illustrations. It tells the true story of UC Ringmaster, a Morgan stallion born at UConn. Follow him on the beginning of his journey. Even though I know the horse's story well, I'm looking forward to the next two books!~sfstearns, Amazon reviewer

Here is the Amazon link to purchase:
The Great Red Horse: A Colt is Born on Amazon

Also, the American Morgan Horse Association is offering it in their online store, go here and support a wonderful organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the Morgan horse:

If you are interested in a signed book, I got you covered!

I will be doing a book signing at the Willimantic Food Co-op, 91 Valley St., Willimantic, CT on Saturday, June 27 from 10am to 2pm. 

The Willimantic Food Co-op supports local farmers, artisans, cheesemakers, etc etc etc--and they support local authors as well! BIG SMILE! More than just a place to get food (and really good coffee)--the Willimantic Food Co-op is a community treasure.

The Willi Co-op currently carries both of my books on their shelves.

Here is their website:

And one more link--have you joined my Facebook yet? No? Well, here it is! Click "like" and get all updates, don't miss a thing!

Okay, that's enough links to keep ya busy...

THANK YOU so much, wonderful readers! Your support and wonderful words inspire me!

Friday, May 15, 2015


The day has finally arrived!

The Great Red Horse: A Colt is Born is HERE!

It is currently available through createspace at this link:

Soon, it will arrive in select bookstores and on Amazon.

Thank you EVERYONE for supporting me and cheering me on. This book could not have happened without you!

"I promise to write a beautiful book for you."
~Yours truly to UC Ringmaster, November 11, 2012. He left us the next day.

Promise kept.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Final desgn: DONE

The front and back cover are completed--and I must say, my book designer hubby Steve chose a super-fun font! It's cute and playful, just like a foal. He really knocked this one out of the park. Steve has the perfect (and rare!) blend of artistic sensibility and techno-expertise. I know how lucky I am, believe me.

Not only is the final design in the bag--the files were uploaded to the publisher, and the publisher just gave the green light for publication!


The next step is to order proofs and get them to my selected test-readers.

Thanks to my editor, friend and champion, Nan King, for convincing me to write and illustrate a children's book. What a great idea--now I am hooked. I have two more Great Red Horse books to finish, and another on the back burner. The bug bit me!

And, thanks to YOU for sticking by me and cheering me on!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Initial design and layout: DONE

...onward to the cover design.

When that is all done, I order some proofs and get them to my "test drivers" and my editor.

More specifically, I want to see how their children enjoyed the story. Kids can be a tough audience--I know I was--so I want them to be big part of the final creative process. They may tell me that the story dragged in one part, or maybe they want to see more dragonflies....You can never have too many dragonflies!

Then, after that, the book is released to you, my kind readers. Thank you for being there with me, cheering me on! The Great Red Horse: A Colt is Born is so very nearly done.

The final page count is 45. Here are two of them in InDesign. *big smile*

Friday, March 20, 2015

Design phase....

The Great Red Horse: A Colt is Born, the first two pages on InDesign: (wow! WOW!)

My second book, and the first book of the Great Red Horse trilogy, is coming to life. Many thanks to my talented and amazing design wizard husband, Steve, for being so brilliant.

I can't wait to share this book with all of you! Many hours of writing, rewriting, illustrating, illustrating some more, editing, it all comes together.

Thank you for being there, cheering me on! It won't be long now....

I would like to share the book's dedication. Was it written for you? I do believe it was! Read on:


To all who knew and loved UC Ringmaster, The Great Red Horse.

To all of the children who love horses and books.

To all of the grown-ups who found freedom on the back of a horse.

To all who know the magic of horses.

This book is for you.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


The Great Red Horse: A Colt is Born is DONE. No more edits, no more drafts, no more illustrations.

My Indesign wizard book designer now has everything. Magic awaits!

Thank you everyone for cheering me on in this journey.

Oh, here's the cover image--young Ringmaster and his dragonfly friends:

THANK YOU, friends!